Whiteness and Sound Studies Reading Group

SSTRAPP reading group will meet alongside the University of Huddersfield’s Whiteness and Sound Studies series. We will read and discuss materials relating to each talk hosted by the university on the Monday evening before, from 7-8pm, to create a para-academic space for discussion. Facilitation is self organized, this is the rota so far: 

15 April (7-8pm GMT) Kate

22 April (7-8pm GMT) open?

29 April (7-8pm GMT) open?

07 May (7-8pm GMT)  Inigo

Reading materials will be provided, and the meeting link is: 

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 890 2603 5016

Passcode: 556006

Add the series to your iCalendar: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/tZ0tde-orT4qG9JkzZfrXQYKxffYdmA2Rz0o/ics?icsToken=98tyKuGhrjksGteQsBiBRpx5AojoM_TztiVfjfp3lwXfBTJrUzrdLuREC7ZyMYri