BOARC’s building is an instrument in its own right, invigorating specific terms of engagement due to its historical legacy and architectural features. As people and practices have moved through and with it, certain tendencies and shared interests have emerged around sound and somatics. Amongst its user base BOARC has many incredible musicians, sound artist and thinkers. There are several regular DJs who host the weekly radio show ‘Domes FM’ that is broadcast from BOARC, which has also held performances by the stayers and artists who have passed through, including sonic experiments in its recording studio.
Alongside a regular series of workshops devoted to sound and radiophonics called ‘Wetwaves’, several people deeply involved in BOARC are committed to practices concerning bodywork and choreography.
These sonic and somatic research interests vibrate together and intersect. By holding these strands loosely together, we now wish to instigate a collective framework for learning, so what’s surfacing can be offered as a thematic to be worked on together.
By launching the Sonic and Somatic Transdisciplinary Research and Practice Program (SSTRAPP), we aim to provide a consolidated para-academic program that is a gesture towards the possibility of an alternative curriculum. The aim is to provide a low-cost, alternative space for collaborative learning outside of academic institutions, inviting you to come and resonate with us as we embody this diagram and urgently feel forward in our thinking.